There are important moral and ethical issues concerning human genome research and manipulation which are not being addressed. Let's look at some examples: We will soon have the capacity to splice non-human genetic materials into human DNA. Theoretically, the Sphinx is possible. Consider the temptation to refabricate offspring to meet parents' desires for, say, another famous basketball player in the family. Selected DNA might be added to egg or sperm, and unwanted material removed, to produce a physical or mental enhancement. Architectural restructuring of human DNA can produce specialized kinds of humans, from gladiators and soldiers to geniuses, but what about the life and rights of that DNA-manipulated living being? Who will have the power to control light or dark skin in offspring?
What if nonfertile offspring for population control, perhaps without knowledge of the parents, becomes a politically correct choice? Such practices could solve many economic problems, but what if they were extended to punish a non-compliant conquered nation? Or to stop the members of a religious belief from reproducing? We have had our Caesars, Hitlers and Napoleons, and we will have them again.

Consider the possibilities ---admittedly they seem like science fiction. But the world around you is so different from that of just a hundred years ago. A hundred years ago, nuclear weapons, laser beams, space shuttles, television, cloning, and laptop computers were the stuff of fantasy and science fiction. Consider the potential -- the temptation-- to take control of the Human Genome. Your children may not have the opportunity to decide what their genetic rights will be. It could be too late by then.
The future of human DNA is in the hands of universities, businesses and government entities. Who speaks for human rights, and for the protection of the concept WHAT IS HUMAN? Will the Human Genome become a mere commodity?

If you care about anything, care about this. The Human Genome Society represents the voices of professionals, clergy, and everyday people who seek enswers to these questions. We insist on the establishment of worldwide guidelines and standards to protect the feral (natural) Human Genome. The Society will remain an independent organization dedicated to defending these rights for all people, regardless of race, religion, sex, or nationality.
The Human Genome Society recognizes the human right to inherit or to cause to be inherited unknown or unusual genetic variations (excluding inheritable defects which have been identified as truly detrimental, not merely inconvenient). Regulation of the Human Genome shall not be considered the provenance of any government or agency, any more than its manifestation in any human being shall be considered to be property. No human being shall be construed to be property, including that human being's genetic component.
Can we trust our government with such raw power? We trusted our government to develop atomic energy, and one result was nuclear weaponry.
Will we repeat history? Will we like the results?